MXFLib Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AESDecryptAES decryption class
AESEncryptAES encryption class
Basic_GCFillerHandlerBasic GCReader handler for filler
BodyReaderBodyReader class - reads from an MXF file (reads data is "pulled" from the file)
BodyStreamClass holding data relating to a stream to be written by BodyWriter
BodyWriterBody writer class - manages multiplexing of essence
BodyWriter::StreamInfoClass for holding info relating to a stream
BodyWriterHandlerBase class for partition candler callbacks
ClassRecordSingle entry for a class to be defined - built at run-time and can be stacked if required to allow out-of-order definitions
ComponentGeneric component super-class
ConstClassRecordSingle entry for a class to be defined - can be stored as a compile-time built structure
ConstDictionaryRecordSingle entry for a dictionary to be defined - can be stored as a compile-time built structure
ConstTypeRecordSingle entry for a type to be defined - can be stored as a compile-time built structure
ConvertStateState structure for XML parsing
Decrypt_BaseBase decryptor wrapper class
Decrypt_GCEncryptionHandlerDecrypting GCReader encryption handler
Decrypt_GCReadHandlerDecrypting GCReader handler
DeltaEntryStructure for holding delta entries
DictionaryRun-time dictionary definition - built from other run-time record definitions
DMSegmentHolds data relating to a DMSegment
DMSegmentPtrA smart pointer to a DMSegment object (with operator[] overload)
DMSourceClipHolds data relating to a DMSourceClip
DMSourceClipPtrA smart pointer to a DMSourceClip object (with operator[] overload)
DV_DIF_EssenceSubParserClass that handles parsing of DV-DIf streams
DV_DIF_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSourceClass for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing DV-DIF essence
DV_DIF_EssenceSubParserFactoryFactory class for making DV-DIF parsers
Encrypt_BaseBase encryptor wrapper class
Encrypt_GCReadHandlerEncrypting GCReader handler
EssenceParserMaster-class for parsing essence via EssenceSubParser objects
EssenceParser::WrappingConfigConfiguration data for an essence parser with a specific wrapping option
EssenceSinkAbstract super-class for objects that receive large quantities of essence data
EssenceSourceAbstract super-class for objects that supply large quantities of essence data
EssenceSubParserAbstract base class for all essence parsers
EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSourceBase class for essence parser EssenceSource objects
EssenceSubParserFactoryBase class for any EssenceSubParserFactory classes
EssenceSubParserSelfFactoryA wrapper class that allows an EssenceSubParser to be its own factory
FileParserFile parser - parse essence from a sequential set of files
FileParser::SequentialEssenceSourceEssence Source that manages a sequence of essence sources from a list of file patterns
FileParser::SubStreamInfoInformation about a substream
full_time< Structure for holding accurate time (to nearest 4ms)
GCElementKindStructure to hold information about each stream in a GC
GCReaderClass that reads data from an MXF file
GCReadHandler_BaseBase class for GCReader handlers
GCStreamDataStructure to hold information about each stream in a GC
GCWriterClass that manages writing of generic container essence
GCWriter::WriteBlockStructure for items to be written
Hash_BaseBase hash function wrapper class
HashHMACSHA1HMAC-SHA1 hash function wrapper
IndexEntryClass for holding index entries that may be out of order
IndexPosStructure for holding the result of an index table look-up
IndexTableClass that holds an index table
IRefCountAn interface for reference counting
JP2K_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSourceClass for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing <Type> essence
KLVEObjectKLVEObject class
KLVEObjectPtrSmart pointer to a KLVEObject (cannot point to KLVObjects)
KLVObjectKLV Object class
KLVReadHandler_BaseBase class for KLVObject Reader handlers
LabelA UL or end-swapped UUID label
ListOfFilesList-of-files base class for handling a sequential set of files
MapIndexNumber/String duality object for index item in objects
MDObjectMetadata Object class
MDObjectListA list of smart pointers to MDObject objects
MDObjectParentA parent pointer to an MDObject object (with operator[] overloads)
MDObjectPtrA smart pointer to an MDObject object (with operator[] overloads)
MDOTypeHolds the definition of a metadata object type
MDTypeHolds the definition of a metadata type
MDValueMetadata Object class
MDValuePtrA smart pointer to an MDValue object (with operator[] overloads)
MetadataHolds data relating to a single partition
MetadataPtrA smart pointer to a Metadata object (with operator[] overload)
MPEG2_VES_EssenceSubParserClass that handles parsing of MPEG-2 video elementary streams
MPEG2_VES_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSourceClass for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing MPEG-VES essence
MXFFileHolds data relating to an MXF file
NewFileHandlerBase class for handlers to receive notification of the next file about to be opened
ObjectInterfaceInterface for any class containing an MDObject that needs to behave like an MDObject
PackageHolds data relating to a package
PackageParentA parent pointer to a Package object (with operator[] overload)
PackagePtrA smart pointer to a Package object (with operator[] overload)
ParentPtrParent pointer class - used to allow an object referenced by another object to make a returrn reference without forming a loop
ParserDescriptorListList of pairs of essence parser pointers with associated file descriptors
PartitionHolds data relating to a single partition
PartitionInfoHolds RIP data relating to a single partition
PartitionParentA parent pointer to an Partition object (with operator[] overload)
PartitionPtrA smart pointer to an Partition object (with operator[] overload)
PrimerHolds local tag to metadata definition UL mapping
RationalStructure for holding fractions
RawFileSinkEssenceSink that writes a raw file to the currently open file
RefCountStandard implementation of IRefCount
ReorderIndexA class that holds entries for an index table that will be temporally reordered
RIPRandom Index Pack class
SmartPtrSmart pointer with reference counting and auto object deletion
SmartPtr::__RefCounterDefault IRefCount implementation used by SmartPtr
SourceClipHolds data relating to a SourceClip
SourceClipPtrA smart pointer to a SourceClip object (with operator[] overload)
SymbolSpaceSymbolSpace used to translate a symbolic name to a UL
TEMPLATE_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSourceClass for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing <Type> essence
TEMPLATE_EssenceSubParserFactoryFactory class for making <Type> parsers
TimecodeComponentHolds data relating to a Timecode Component
TimecodeComponentPtrA smart pointer to a SourceClip object (with operator[] overload)
TrackHolds data relating to a track
Track::TrackTypeListItemStructure for a single item in the track type list (for comparing data definitions)
TrackParentA parent pointer to a Track object (with operator[] overload)
TrackPtrA smart pointer to a Track object (with operator[] overload)
TypeRecordSingle entry for a type to be defined - built at run-time and can be stacked if required to allow out-of-order definitions
ULUniversal Label class with optimized comparison and string formatting
UUIDUniversally Unique Identifier class with string formatting
VBILineClass that holds a single line of VBI data
VBISourceClass that holds the VBI data for a frame and supplies it as an EssenceSource
WAVE_PCM_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSourceClass for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing MPEG-VES essence
WaveFileSinkEssenceSink that writes a wave file to the currently open file

Generated on Mon Apr 2 15:20:56 2007 for MXFLib by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1