How do I check frame or clip wrapping(mapping)?
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Author:  akira [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  How do I check frame or clip wrapping(mapping)?

if encoding is known, then those specifications define some universal labels ( essence container idetification label ) for frame/clip/custom wrapping.

But, I can not find the standard method for unknown encode.

Author:  Matt Beard [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is no simple standard method for unknown encodings.

If you need to know which wrapping it is you will need to examine the essence. If there is only one (large) KLV then it is either clip-wrapped, or there is only one edit unit!

Otherwise you could assume frame wrapped, or for exact results you would need to count the essence KLVs. If this number is equal to the number of frames in the material, then it is frame wrapped. If it is equal to the number of frames times the number of lines per frame, it is line wrapped. Otherwise ot is probably some form of "custom" wrapping.

Author:  akira [ Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  thanks for reply

Thanks for reply, Mr Matt.

I will count klv structure in essence container.
Probably, if threre are one container and klv fill, then it is clip wrapping.

#I get The MXF book today. I read it at first.

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